Expy Kit - import, convert, export Characters in blender
Export Rigify Characters to Game Engines, upload your characters to Mixamo, build Rigify controls on top of any Armature.
- download ExpyKit_v0.6.1.zip or ExpyKit_v0.6.1_premium.zip (paid features)
- in blender, click Edit->Preferences... from the menu bar and select the Add-ons
- click the Install... button at the of the window, find the .zip file and click Install the Add-on
Changes since the last version
Bind to Armature:
- Can disable or delete existing constraints
- Checks for bones with the same name
- Retargets IK rolls
- Retargets to the current pose
- Retargets to World Space (useful for similar rigs with a different rest pose)
- Rescales target Armature
- Accounts for namespaces with columns (like ":")
- Can skip unselected bones
- Can be used on already bound rigs
- Object space transform now is a checkbox and combines with other retarget spaces
Action Rename:
- Panel is now in the View 3D ("N" options
- Has button to scroll through actions with candidat names
- Has button for removing rename data
Convert Bone Names:
- Renames conflicting existing names to "{name}.001"
- Supports custom separators
- Bake Actions doesn't require selecting driving Armature anymore
- Rename from fbx applies a name starts with or contains logic
- Transfer Root Motion can animate at object level
- Extract Metarig supports extra bones through rigify attributes
- Transfer Root Motion is faster and more accurate
- Select Constrained controls is not overridden by Select Animated controls
- Action Range to Scene always fits the Timeline in the view
- Presets folder can be copied to the clipboard from the preferences
Other Improvements:
- Interface has a faster refresh
- Button to set mapping to active bone
- Button for mirroring mapping to the other side
- "Spine2" is now displayed as "Chest" in the mapping
- Jaw bone for Mixamo mapping
- Three segments limbs mapping
- New mapping preset: Mocap Online (Motus Digital)
- New mapping preset: Unreal Mannequin 5.0
- Fix missing eyes in extracted metarig
- Fix occasional glitch in baked animations
- Fix renaming from Current Settings
- Fix "Clear All" button breaking preset mirror and set
- Fix IK occasionally overriding def bones
- Support blender 4.0 bone collections
Converts, retarget and export 3D characters in blender
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